Download Ansav Engine

  • Ansav Juni 2010

    ansav juni, ansav 2010, ansav juni 2010Ansav Download juni 2010 on this blog is unofficially support site for ANSAV Anti Virus, this site is dedicated to provide information, download info and link , and other helpfull information for ANSAV anti virus user.

    ANSAV Download juni 2010 will always try to give the best information and support for ANSAV Anti Virus User but after we are an unofficially site, we have not any relation with officially site of ANSAV.

    In this site your will be able to get download ANSAV 2010 Anti Virus (program/installer), Updates for ANSAV juni 2010 now. Anti Virus, Plugins for ANSAV Anti Virus, Themes for being used with ANSAV Anti Virus and other download related with ANSAV. Programs and Updated for ANSAV will always avaliable as originaly as provided by ANSAV Anti Virus. For plugins, themes and other download most of them are originaly avaliable from ANSAV .

    ANSAV 2010 was not the same as commercial Antivirus, ANSAV only designed as portable software and could be undertaken without needing the installation, because ANSAV not resident and only treated. At this time ANSAV could have detected various newest local virus (Indonesia Viruses) and several foreign viruses that often circulated in Indonesia, but ANSAV could not be relied on as personal Antivirus because quite few viruses that could be detected by other Antivirus and was not detected by ANSAV, this was caused of the limitations Antivirus juni 2010 database (the virus definition signature).


  1. Hambyah says:

    hello..thanks atas kunjungannya di

    mau g tukeran link dng blog saya

  1. hmcahyo says:

    makasih dah ke blog saya

  1. Anonymous says:

    kunjungan di siang hari, salam D3pd :-D
    dan akhirnya menemukan juga artikel yang banyak mengandung virus rus rus rus....

  1. Anonymous says:

    sekedar berkunjung ya...trims udah berkunjung ke blog sy..

  1. Humaini.hd says:

    salam kenal kaks
    kaka juga termasuk orang yang kreativ

    teruslah berkarya selagi masih bisa. ^_^

  1. Ipin says:

    kunjungan broo..

  1. anno says:

    ijin donlot bro..
    udah update baru ya..

  1. masff says:

    hello pren,,salam knal juga..tukeran linklebih bagus..

  1. Anonymous says:

    selamat soreeeeeeeeeeeeeee, salam salam salam...anti virus oke!

  1. Anonymous says:


Ansav Responding