Download Ansav Engine

  • How to change ansav theme

    download ansavansav themeBefore change ansav antivirus theme you need to download skin plugin at here. after you download some ansav skin theme, you need extract these file. with right click you mouse and get extract them. then you need to repleace your extract result to skin folder at ansav antivirus data base.

    see the picture. and then you just need to change colour theme with click plugins -> styler -> and set your colour choice. and Restart your Ansav antivirus engine.change skindownload ansav

    Untuk merubah layout ansav antivirus, anda harus mendownload file skin terlebih dahulu , setelah itu extract dan tempatkan folder hasil axtract tersebut ke dalam folder skin data base ansav antivirus anda. setelah itu klik tab pugins, dan klik styler kemudian rubah style ansav sesusai selera anda.


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